2023 Clinical Leadership for Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants
This year's recipient oversees the clinical performance, staffing, and career mentorship of the NP/PA Hospitalist team at University of Chicago Medicine.

Bridget A. McGrath, MPAS; PA-C; FHM graduated in 2014 from Butler University Physician Assistant Program. She started her career as a Meds/Peds Hospitalist PA at Schneck Medical Center in Seymour, Indiana. She transitioned to University of Chicago in 2017 and serves as the Section of Hospital Medicine Advanced Practice Provider Manager and Interprofessional Education co-lead.
She holds affiliate faculty status for Butler University Physician Assistant Program and adjunct clinical educator status at Midwestern Physician Assistant Program. She currently serves as the University of Chicago hospital level Advanced Practice Provider Executive Council Chair.
Within her administrative role, she oversees the clinical performance, staffing, and career mentorship of the NP/PA Hospitalist team. She aligns care delivery with section and hospital priorities by identifying and implementing clinical operations, quality improvement, and medical education initiatives.
McGrath’s academic focus is on assessment and development of professional development opportunities that promote bidirectional mentorship among NPs/PAs and Physicians. Through this work, she co-developed the framework L.E.A.D.:
Leadership roles and responsibilities
Embedding ideas into pre-existing realms
Academic Development
Within Society of Hospital Medicine, she has held leadership positions in the Academic Committee and NP/PA Special Interest Group. Through her service, she co-developed a national multi-site onboarding survey leading to the published SHM NP/PA Onboarding Case Studies. Additionally, she co-led the pilot year of NP/PA inclusion in Academic Speed Mentoring.
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